Lollypop Farm is a shelter in Rochester New York ran by the humane society of Rochester. Lollypop farms are responsible for placing animals in homes all around Rochester. When Ruckus found himself another porcupine he just cannot contain his excitement! Unfortunately for a big boy like Ruckus that usually means a mouth and face full of quills! Luckily for Ruckus he found himself in good hands and the staff at lollypop were able to help him out! Check out the article to see how Ruckus is doing now!
| By Lollypop Farm
In early September, Ruckus the St. Bernard came to Lollypop Farm after a run-in with a local wild animal that he was already all-too familiar with: a porcupine.

He was surrendered to Lollypop Farm so that he could receive treatment for the quills that were stuck into his jowls, face, and inside of his mouth. His previous owners indicated that Ruckus had an unfortunate history of going after porcupines. Ruckus wasn’t the first, and won’t be the last pup to lose a fight with a porcupine!

While porcupines are more frequently seen Upstate, they can indeed be found around in western New York. Porcupines can have upwards of 30,000 quills at their disposal, and will release them into the face of what they perceive as a potential attacker (even if a dog is just curious and not acting aggressive). The quills are easily detached from the porcupine, but are quite difficult to remove once they’ve been embedded in another animal like a dog. Contrary to popular belief, porcupines can’t actually “shoot” their quills, but a simple swipe of their tail at a dog that’s gotten too close is enough to release them.
Read the rest from Lollypop Farm
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