The Most (and Least) Expensive Dog Breeds in the World
From the elegant Azawakh to the sublime Schipperke, these are the breeds that American Kennel Club experts say are the priciest—and most affordable. Read more at Reader's Digest
After Losing His Own Dog, Kenny Chesney Helped Save 1,400 Animals in the Year Following Hurricane Irma
When Kenny Chesney sprang into action last year following Hurricane Irma’s devastation of his beloved St. John, he had every resident in mind — including those with four legs. The country star, 50, and his assistant Jill “literally cleaned out the animal shelters” in...
Dog Steals GoPro to Create the Best Chase Scene Ever
A very good dog named Bonnie has become an Internet sensation after her owner posted a video to Reddit of her running with a frisbee that has a GoPro attached to it. In the clip, Bonnie creates the best chase scene ever, showing off not only her skills at running with...
Don’t use dog DNA tests to make life-or-death decisions for your pet, experts warn
The claims that dog DNA-testing companies make can seem all but definitive: One quick cheek swab can not only tell you about the breeds that make up your pooch but also offer it a lifetime of health. Pay $65, and you can make smarter, science-based decisions about...
You probably think your pets are a different age than they actually are, according to a vet
"Just how old do you think my dog is in dog years?" is a question I hear on a regular basis. People love to anthropomorphize pets, attributing human characteristics to them. And most of us want to extend our animal friends' healthy lives for as long as possible....
This Airport Hotel Is Now Pampering Dogs with Dinner and Drinks
Solis Two Porsche Drive hotel located next door to the Porsche Experience Center at Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport now offers “Sit, Stay, Solis” for guests traveling with their dogs. Solis provides an in-room dog bed, a dedicated dinner menu, and even a...
Why Dogs and Humans Love Each Other More Than Anyone Else
You speak dog better than you think you do. You may not be fluent; that would require actually being a dog. But if you went to live in a dogs-only world, you’d be pretty good at understanding what they’re saying. Read more at Time
Dogs Dining On Patios Are Illegal Interlopers No More
To the delight of dog lovers, cities and states have begun passing laws to allow dogs to join patrons on restaurant and bar patios. Many diners have simply asked, “Wait, that was illegal?” Read more at Huff Post
Pets Can Experience Grief. Here’s What You Should Know About It.
Pets often have special bonds with their human and fellow pet companions. One of the most poignant examples of pet-human relationships might be the tale of Hachikō, an Akita that was born in Japan in the 1920s. He left his house to greet his owner at a Tokyo train...
People Learn How to Aid Their Injured Pets
How do you transport your dog if it has been injured? What if it is bitten by a timber rattlesnake, a brown recluse spider or suffers a chemical burn? About a dozen people were able to get some answers to those questions Sunday afternoon during a pet CPR and first-aid...