If you are like me leaving your dogs in the morning can spark a guilty feeling, Especially if you know you are going to be gone for a long day. I am very fortunate in that I can go out and let my dogs out for lunch and don’t have to worry about my dogs sitting for 8 hours without being able to use the bathroom. My Current situation sees that my 7-month-old husky stays in his crate while my other 3-year-old husky has free roam. The vast majority of the time I will come home to the older dog laying right next to the cage or both of their little noses poking through the window. Crate training my first husky was a process as I had rescued her from a very broken home and I suspected that she had abandonment issues. I have tried many of the examples off of this list including searching for spots around the house that I can move the crate to make everyone happy (here is a hint it is always next to a window). It is my hope to soon let both free roam but while the little guy still has his puppy intuition it is safer for everyone to keep him confined to his crate, which he actually is particularly fond of choosing his crate to sleep in over the bed or rest of my bedroom. Here are a few tips for helping your four-legged friend make it through your 9-5.
How To Help Your Dog When You’re Gone At Work All Day
It’s one thing to leave your dog home alone when you’ve got a quick errand to run. It’s a whole other situation when you leave your fur kiddo home for the eight hours or so while you’re at work. But it’s a pretty common scenario. Most dog owners know the feeling; it’s hard not think about the little floofer being all alone basically all day. Are they lonely? Do they have to pee? Are they mad at you for being gone all the time? But the reality is you have to go to work, so how do you help your dog feel less lonely while you’re at work all day?Allison Stadd, vice president of Reach and Affinity for dog toy product company BARK, tells Bustle the company’s team of more than 350 “expert dog people” has found that there are actually many ways you can reduce your dog’s anxiety and keep them distracted while you’re gone. Stadd says that researchers have found that playing Mozart has shown to reduce dogs’ stress compared to the TV or radio.Stadd also says you can decrease your pup’s anxiety when you leave by acting like it’s no big deal. Don’t make a big to-do by saying big goodbyes; just put your shoes on and leave like it’s no big thang, says Stadd. Or, if you want to make it a positive experience, give your kiddo a treat every time you walk out the door.
There are lots of ways to help your dog when you’re gone at work all day, so here are a few more options to make your pooch more comfortable.
1Know The Best Place For Your Dog In The House
Not all dogs are safe or comfortable roaming the house freely. According to the Central California SPCA, you need to figure out the safest place for your dog before you leave them alone in the house. That could be crated, in a section of the house that’s gated off, in a single room, or completely roaming free, says the CCSPCA.
2.Figure Out How Long Your Can Be Dog Alone
The CCSPCA also says you need to figure out how long your pupper can be left alone. Does your dog get anxious after a certain amount of time? Does your dog have bladder control issues? Every dog is different, so figure out what works best for your canine bestie.
3.Don’t Rush Your Dog’s Morning Potty
You might be rushing to get out the door to get to work, but your dog doesn’t share your feelings of urgency. Sandi Laird, animal care director at Operation Kindness, told USA Today that not every dog goes to the bathroom as soon as it gets outside. Give your dog the time it needs to take an adequate bathroom break before you leave for an entire day.
4. Turn On Your Dog’s Favorite TV Station
Not all dogs pay attention to the TV, says USA TODAY, but if yours does, pick a TV channel you know your dog enjoys. “I have this one guy who always has (ESPN’s) SportsCenter on for his dog,” Catherine Adamo, owner of Royal Oak Dog Walkers in Royal Oak, Michigan, told USA TODAY.
5.Open Some Curtains So Your Dog Can See Outside
You might enjoy your privacy while you’re home, but your floofer will appreciate the ability to see the world outside while you’re gone, according to the Natural Dog Owner. Before you leave, says the Natural Dog Owner, open some curtains or blinds so your dog can peek outside.

6.Leave Your Dog An Interactive Toy
7.Make A Cozy Space For Your Dog
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